#incomplete #rewrite make sure links are correct and this makes sense
Given the equation:
We first find the complementary solution (see characteristic equation):
Then comes the hard part, finding the particular solution. We first need to look back at our original equation and do two things:
Compare it to our equations in our try functions.
Guess at a probable solution.
Looking back at our original equation,
Thus we plug our guess into our original equation to find that the particular solution yields
We can now combine our complimentary and particular solution together and get our general solution:
Example from Elementary Differential Equations - Kohler & Johnson - Second Edition - Pg. 159
#incomplete #flag-review
Given the higher order differential equation of the form
One must first find the complementary-solution. Afterward you can use the following equation and Cramer's Rule to solve for
Now using the aforementioned Cramer's Rule we obtain:
Source: Diffeq Final Exam Review -- not linked.